
Showing posts from October, 2011

7 Deadliest Halloween Recipes... Creepy and Cute

I was hard pressed to come up with a category for my last set of "7 Deadliest Halloween Recipes"... There were too many random wonderful ghoulish recipes to choose from. So here are a motely crew of creepy and cute Halloween recipes. Brains in a Jar Cupcakes by Living Locurto -- Such an awesome idea!   Witches' Fingers Cookies by Magda's Cauldron -- This one is a family tradition for us! Jello Worms by Mel's Kitchen Cafe -- Made with Jello and a straw.   Brain Cupcakes by Martha Stewart -- I love the icing on these. Skull Madeleines by Martha Stewart -- I can't get enough of the expressions on the marshmallow skull faces. Green Meanies by TLC Cooking -- Simple, yet full of personality (and mystery...) Mummy Dogs (with Spiderweb dip!) by Pilsbury Enjoy your spooky snacking!

Craft Rock Friday with Dead Man's Bones

Today's Craft Rock Friday is perfect to get you in the Halloween spirit. The video for “Dead Hearts” by Dead Man’s Bones (actor Ryan Gosling 's band) follows the journey of  a little wishbone -- yes, a wishbone -- as he methodically plods along (as best a wishbone can), pulling a large wheeled metal contraption through a series unsettling lansdscapes, all populated by miniature model people. It's like a bad dream that's disturbing mostly because it's so weird...

7 Deadliest Halloween Recipes... Owls!

Today's Halloween recipes are some of my faves. Any excuse to incorporate owls into the mix, really. Here are the seven deadliest owl -themed Halloween recipes... Owl Smores by Living Locurto Night Owl Cookies on Owl Cheese Spread by Owl Bento Box by Mothering Corner Owl Brownies by Sweet Mama Owl Cake Pops on Bakerella And last but not least... Not one, but two , owl wedding cakes! Via Bella Wedding Events . Amazing. If only I'd thought of that before I got hitched! :) What a hoot!

Machines and Dogs: Two Calls for Submissions

 Two interesting calls for submissions that I've seen recently... Creative Canadian footwear company John Fluevog has put out a call to fill their Vog Vending machine in their Calgary store. We want to sell things in this magical machine that even the Japanese have never thought of – and we want Fluevogers to help us. Do you have a little company that makes cool things that could fit into the rings of such a machine? Click here for more details and info on how to submit your convenient creations. The other fun call for submissions I saw was on a blog I like, Studio Morran , run by the ever-lovely Swedish artist Camilla Engman. If you follow Camilla online, chances are you'll know that Morran is her adorable and highly-photogenic dog . Camilla is compiling a book full of images of Morran. So get sketching, painting, etc, submissions are due by October 31, 2011. Click here for more info on how to submit your images. And check out some of the pics already sent in: here , her...

7 Deadliest Halloween Recipes... Skeletons!

After yesterday's eyeball eats , let's keep the anatomical anarchy alive (or should that be undead ?) Here are the seven deadliest skeleton -themed Halloween recipes. Skull and Bones Breakfast from Better Homes and Gardens Cheesy Bones from Kraft  Skeleton Bread by Eve's Little Earthlings Skeleton Cupcakes from Women's Day -- The ribs are made from pretzels!   Skeleton (with a hat!) Cupcakes from Skull Pops from Martha Stewart And of course... Sugar Skulls from

7 Deadliest Halloween Recipes... Eyeballs!

Yesterday's ghost recipes were all on the cute side. Not so, today, my fearful friends. Not so. Things are gonna get gross and googly-eyed, case here are the seven deadliest eyeball -themed Halloween recipes. Eyeball Pasta from BBC Good Food Oozing Potatoes by Sandra Lee on Jelly Shot Eyeballs from Jelly Shot Test Kitchen Eyes of Newt from ... made from mini donuts!   Eyeball C ookies from Taste of Home   Eerie Eyeballs from Britta Blvd Eyeball Highball Ice Cubes from Martha Stewart

7 Deadliest Halloween Recipes... Ghosts!

Boo! Every year, it seems like there are more and more fun and awesome recipes out there for Halloween. So many that picking my faves was pretty tough... so I've broken it down into creepy categories. Here are my picks for the seven deadliest ghost -themed Halloween recipes. Stay tuned for more revolting recipes to come later in the week! Ghostly Pizza Mashed Boo-tatoes Boo-Nilla Shakes Strawberry Ghosts   Meringue Ghosts Ghost Pumpkin Pudding Cups Marshmallow Ghost Cake

Craft Rock Friday with Jonny

Today's Craft Rock Friday is in a party mood. It is adorned with colourful handmade bunting, and there's even a cotton candy eating contest. Good times. "Candyfloss" by Jonny

It’s Decorative Gourd Season!

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving, everyone! To celebrate the Fall season, every year at this time, I like to dust off a webpage on McSweeney's Internet Tendency and read a now-classic piece of literature: It’s Decorative Gourd Season, Motherf***ers . Be warned, the writing is full of cussing and cursing. But it's also full of  shellacked decorative vegetables. And the combination is brilliant.

Craft Rock Friday with Krista Muir

Today's Craft Rock Friday comes to us via the Hoopla book blog . Krista Muir 's embroidery work is in Hoopla, and she's also a talented musician. This video is lovely and magical. It makes me want to decorate small enchanted houses....

Inside an Embroidery Floss Factory

And speaking of embroidery ...  CRAFT just linked to an interesting post about what it's like inside a DMC embroidery floss factory. It's always interesting to see how things are made. And pretty amazing to see so much thread in one place! Read more here .

Hoopla Happiness

The Vancouver book launch for Hoopla was really fun. It was great to see such a good turn out, and great to chat to everyone there, including the lovely Leanne Prain (author extraordinaire) and Kirsten Chursinoff (embroidery artist extraordinaire), and one artist who's project is featured in the book who had travelled all the way from New Zealand to be there! I didn't know which photos were going to be included in the book, so it was a fun surprise to open the book and see. The photo of me and my husband got into the book, looking all super cute (even if I do say so myself, heh) with embroidered hearts all around us, as well as my favourite photo of all: my little nephew 'reading' the newspaper, looking very serious and dapper with his embroidered moustache! I'm really excited to see my work in print. In my day job in the publishing industry, I work with books every day, but seeing  your own work  in a book is pretty thrilling. More of this to come in the future, ...