Hoopla Happiness

The Vancouver book launch for Hoopla was really fun. It was great to see such a good turn out, and great to chat to everyone there, including the lovely Leanne Prain (author extraordinaire) and Kirsten Chursinoff (embroidery artist extraordinaire), and one artist who's project is featured in the book who had travelled all the way from New Zealand to be there!

I didn't know which photos were going to be included in the book, so it was a fun surprise to open the book and see. The photo of me and my husband got into the book, looking all super cute (even if I do say so myself, heh) with embroidered hearts all around us, as well as my favourite photo of all: my little nephew 'reading' the newspaper, looking very serious and dapper with his embroidered moustache!

I'm really excited to see my work in print. In my day job in the publishing industry, I work with books every day, but seeing your own work in a book is pretty thrilling. More of this to come in the future, I hope. There are so many awesome artists featured in the interviews and projects; it's interesting to see the different directions that makers are taking the medium of embroidery.

As it turns out, Leanne is going to be doing my project at the Museum of Craft and Folk Art in San Francisco, as one of their Craft Bar events this Thursday, October 6th. So if you're in San Fran, bring a photo and some embroidery floss and go to the event!

Leanne will also be in San Mateo, Portland, Seattle, and Bowen Island. All the details are on the Hoopla Book Tour webpage.

You can read more about Hoopla: The Art of Unexpected Embroidery on Arsenal Pulp Press website or on UnexpectedEmbroidery.com


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