Machines and Dogs: Two Calls for Submissions

 Two interesting calls for submissions that I've seen recently...
Creative Canadian footwear company John Fluevog has put out a call to fill their Vog Vending machine in their Calgary store.

We want to sell things in this magical machine that even the Japanese have never thought of – and we want Fluevogers to help us. Do you have a little company that makes cool things that could fit into the rings of such a machine?
Click here for more details and info on how to submit your convenient creations.

The other fun call for submissions I saw was on a blog I like, Studio Morran, run by the ever-lovely Swedish artist Camilla Engman. If you follow Camilla online, chances are you'll know that Morran is her adorable and highly-photogenic dog. Camilla is compiling a book full of images of Morran. So get sketching, painting, etc, submissions are due by October 31, 2011. Click here for more info on how to submit your images. And check out some of the pics already sent in: here, here and here!


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