[TRANS] Excerpts from The JYJ Magazine No.2, [Pics] Jaejoong in The JYJ Magazine No.2 and Jaejoong's twitters

Jaejoong changed his DP twice today!

[TWITTER] 130730 JJ Changed his Twitter Display Picture Twice-Two Paintings by Russian Photography Artist,Oleg Dou

Credit: Lookkaew_SK,TVXQHOME,DBSKsalahgaul,pornmin 

[TWITTER] 130729 Jaejoong Twitter Update

[TRANS] Don’t risk your life for happiness** ” – Richard Carlson [x] – *Don’t think that all the things happening in our lives are painful. You must hold the belief that along with those problems, you can be happy and solve them one by one.* – There are so many good books.
 Book passage:  Some people easily overcome sorrow, pain, and hardship. Strong-hearted people can brush off the pain at once. They will be sad for the loved ones who died suddenly, but they will move on. Because there is this strong will in human thought. Even losing loved ones one by one, in any case one survives.. Sharp pain at some point in case of sudden deaths can bring despair. Even at that time, a strong person should not kneel down. Accept the sadness, but don’t kneel.
The book JAEJOONG tweeted is “What About the Big Stuff?: Finding Strength and Moving Forward When the Stakes Are High ” by Richard Carlson. It was translated into Korean under the title 행복 에 목숨 걸지 마라 which means “Don’t risk your life for happiness”
Source: @bornfreeonekiss
Translated by: Hannah @ PrinceJJ; @rubypurple_fan
Shared by: PrinceJJ
The passage from the book that Jaejoong took a picture of reads : 

“Some people are able to overcome pain, sorrow, and hardships quite well. These people with hearts of steel are able to vanquish pain in an instant. Though the sudden death of a loved one makes them sad, they are able to overcome it. This is because humans have a surprisingly strong side to themselves. Though we lose things one by one, we find a way to survive.
However, there are times when you get to a point where you can’t take it anymore. At one point in your life, you are met with pain, sudden death, unexpected accidents and despair. Even if you are not a strong person, you must never surrender to these things. Even if you accept the sorrow, never surrender.”
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.ne

[TRANS] Excerpts from The JYJ Magazine No.2
*Q: Most touching moment during your solo concert?
JJ: When I was singing "I'll protect you", when I turned the mic to audiences. It was my birthday during Seoul's performance, fans prepared a banner event, I was really touched. Oversea's fans also sang along in korean. I felt that I received a lot of love and this makes me really happy. 

Q: If you see the outfits that you wore on stage, there are many clothes that reveals your poisonous/toxic collarbone.
JJ: HAHA!! The collarbone wasn't shown/revealed on purpose. Actually the neck part, I'm the type that likes the clothes that doesnt cover the neck. Even in winter, the neck part i can't wear it because it's suffocating/stuffy. So I have many V-neck clothes. For this time's performance, I find clothes that match the rock genre, with a bit of loose feeling, while wearing the outer(shirt), seems like the shirt just comes down naturally while I'm singing.

*About Yoochun's shaved hair
After "I miss you" ended, not only the company staffs but also the fans were shocked. But there are fans who said: "Even his head is handsome", and felt excited. Asked why he did it. The answer from Yoochun was so naive/innocent. He saw the pic of the lead actor, Wentworth Earl Millerfrom the American drama 'Prison Break'. And before that he has also thought of cutting his hair short and light.

Source: The JYJ Magazine
Credit: DCJYJ 
Translated by: KatHeartsJJ
Shared by: DBSKnights

[TRANS] Jaejoong on Friendship, Music and A Decade from Now – Excerpts from The JYJ Magazine

5 commandments to me of 10 years later [(Original text in Korean [x]): 
1 – Having desires and satisfying desires for the happiness of everyone
2 – You can have worries but do not hesitate
3 – The answer/solution to “revenge” is “smile” and “happiness”
4 – No pain no gain. But, you of 10 years later, do not think that this is the correct answer
5 – Jaejoong ah!! Let’s be thankful for everything that happened during the 38 years

On Friendships:
People say ‘friend’ is what one soul dwells in two bodies, that you know and understand each other even though you don’t express your feelings. I think this is what friends are. I hope I could be a friend who gives this kind of feeling to somebody.  (Original text in Korean(Original text in Korean [x])
On the topic ‘friend’, Jaejoong said “Manners must be preserved [even between friends]. Recently I renounced my friendship with 3 fellows. Unfortunately, they crossed the line – the do’s and don’ts in friendship.” and “For instance, when there’s an age gap between someone and me, even if I talk informally with him, it means the distance between our hearts is shortened, not that he doesn’t need to observe his manners that should still be preserved between us. I can’t be a friend with that kind of person who ignores the line.” (Original text in Korean [x])
Jaejoong has a wider circle of acquaintances than Yuchun and Junsu. Nowadays, he often meets Jang Geun-seok. His house where he recently moved in is only 2 minutes away from Jang Geun-seok’s, so they meet almost every day. Jaejoong said “In some ways, he is incompatible with me though, this comes as his charm to me, so we mix very well.” Birds of feather flock together? There must be something why these two Hallyu stars get along well with each other.
Jaejoong said “Geun-seok is straightforward, too. He does not talk around. He’s frank. At first it was hard [to be friends with him], but now he’s a congenial friend of mine. We both like chattering and meeting casually at home. On Parents’ Day I sent sets of Goolbi (Yellow Dried Corvina) to Yuchun, Junsu, and Geun-seok’s parents, and then Geun-seok came to my house with the Goolbi he grilled and we had a drink. Actually we both had a drink yesterday, too. We drained 18 bottles just for beer. Nowadays I don’t often see HyungJoong but, he is a friend of mine that I don’t feel sorry even if I meet him only once a year. Because we are a pair of congenial souls.”
About manners in friendship, Jaejoong said “Manners must be preserved [even between friends]. Recently I renounced my friendship with 3 fellows. Unfortunately, they crossed the line – the do’s and don’ts in friendship.” and “For instance, when there’s an age gap between someone and me, even if I talk informally with him, it means the distance between our hearts is shortened, not that he doesn’t need to observe his manners that should still be preserved between us. I can’t be a friend with that kind of person who ignores the line.” (Original text in Korea [x])
On Music:
Music I’m stuck on these days is American singer Miguel’s [x].
On Fans:
Jaejoong’s answer to the question ‘When was the most touching moment during your solo concert?”
During my concerts, there were times I sang ‘I’ll Protect You’ and then turned my mike to the audience [so they'll sing the next part].
It was my birthday at the concert in Seoul, they prepared the event holding fanboards towards me, it was so touching. (*Note: Actually, the fanboard event was during the birthday song, when Jaejoong arrived onstage on 26th [1 & 2 ])
Even the fans from other countries sang along with Korean fans.
I was very happy then, thinking to myself “I am getting a massive love.” (Original text in Korean [X])

She* was international fan (*T/N: Jaejoong didn’t really specify the gender of the fan). 
I first knew her when she was 14. 
Around 10 years ago, I received her fan letter with her photo. 
When I was working as scheduled, I could see the face.
She learned Korean diligently and later, she graduated summa cum laude from college that I advised her to go to.
Now she’s working in a company where I suggested to her.
And friends around her became my friends, too. (original text in Korean [X])

Source: The JYJ Magazine
Translated by: Hannah @ PrinceJJ; @jaetaku
Shared by: PrinceJJ
The History of Jaejoong's Twitter Photos 
Credit: kajj0126

via pornmin

[TRANS] JYJ Magazine vol. 2 – “Hometown in my Heart”
My 2nd hometown, Japan

Among many words that can describe Kim Jaejoong, there is “Networking Master”. His friendship network transcends national boundaries. Especially Japan, the country that he calls “my 2nd hometown”, is the place where Kim Jaejoong has gained many special connections.

He shares a warm friendship with many Japanese celebrities like Yamashita Tomohisa, Koike Teppei, Shirota Yuu, etc. Jaejoong introduced his friends, “Japanese entertainers are not showy just because they’re stars. Many of them are simple and honest.”

Especially, in case of Yamashita Tomohisa, they understand each other and their personalities also have many points in common. That’s why they’re exceptionally close. When Jaejoong went to Japan for a short vacation in April, they met and had a good time together riding the helicopter and playing at the amusement park.

Kim Jaejoong who is famous for his love for others also meets various classes of people in Japan. On all such occasions, he always say, “There are many things to learn from anybody. Especially when I go abroad, I think that the world is so wide indeed and realize that many people in many areas are working hard to make a living.”

Kim Jaejoong has many interests in fashion business. He even attempts to meet people working in that field. In addition, he often takes a walk around Harajuku Street with his friends when it’s less crowded and visits the restaurants. Every time he comes to Japan, these things bring him little moments of happiness. Among places that Jaejoong frequents, he especially loves the Meguro-gawa (River) flowing along the center of Naka-Meguro Station and Odaiba.

“It’s the places covered with my precious memories. When I go there, I feel like my soul is soothed. If I come to Japan, I go to those places sometimes.”

Magazine scan: @tiamo_hy
via DBSKsalahgaul

 [TRANS JYJ Magazine vol.2]

[JYJ 5 commandments to themselves 10 years later]


1. Must have greed, to fulfill your happiness!
2. Though I have worries, but let's not hesitate.
3. The solution for 'Revenge' is 'Smile' and 'Happiness'.
4. If there's no pain/misery, there's no gain too. after 10 years, this is the right answer, don't think anymore!!
5. Jaejoong ah!! Let's be thankful for everything for the past 38 years.
1. Living together with mum and Yoohwan.
2.(If I get married) Do my best as the leader of my home/family!
3. Music. Acting. I'll work even harder!
4. Always do together with Cjes which I'm working together with now.
5. Become a more reliable and greater man.

1. Junsu yah, don't forget to be humourous and smile no matter what happens.
2. Let's live by challenging every time every moment.
3. Rather than the impossible, think towards the possible side positively.
4. Sing as a singer for my entire lifetime and live together with music.
5. Like fried chicken less eat more food that is good for the body! Let's be healthy!!


130729 Pics of Jaejoong in "The JYJ Magazine" Preview;

credit as tagged

Jaejoong and His Fanboys : Excerpt

 The JYJ Magazine Vol.2

Jaejoong: We have a lot of male fans. Especially as we grew older, our male fans increase more and more. It is really cute looking at 10+ years old kids liking us and calling us "hyung". During fanmeeting, when male fans are being chosen up on stage, I will deliberating give them one more hug to give them more courage. I'll also tell them it is a good thing liking (us) "hyungs".

Cr: 中国百度金在中吧
Trans: taurysays

[TRANS JYJ Magazine vol.2]
[JYJ 5 commandments to themselves 10 years later]

1. Must have greed, to fulfill your happiness!
2. Though I have worries, but let's not hesitate.
3. The solution for 'Revenge' is 'Smile' and 'Happiness'.
4. If there's no pain/misery, there's no gain too. after 10 years, this is the right answer, don't think anymore!!
5. Jaejoong ah!! Let's be thankful for everything for the past 38 years.

1. Living together with mum and Yoohwan.
2.(If I get married) Do my best as the leader of my home/family!
3. Music. Acting. I'll work even harder!
4. Always do together with Cjes which I'm working together with now.
5. Become a more reliable and greater man.

1. Junsu yah, don't forget to be humourous and smile no matter what happens.
2. Let's live by challenging every time every moment.
3. Rather than the impossible, think towards the possible side positively.
4. Sing as a singer for my entire lifetime and live together with music.
5. Like fried chicken less eat more food that is good for the body! Let's be healthy!!


[TRANS JYJ Magazine Vol.2]
Q: If you see the outfits that you wore on stage, there are many clothes that reveals your poisonous/toxic collarbone.

JJ: HAHA!! The collarbone wasn't shown/revealed on purpose. Actually the neck part, I'm the type that likes the clothes that doesnt cover the neck. Even in winter, the neck part i can't wear it because it's suffocating/stuffy. So I have many V-neck clothes. For this time's performance, I find clothes that match the rock genre, with a bit of loose feeling, while wearing the outer(shirt), seems like the shirt just comes down naturally while I'm singing.


[Trans JYJ Magazine] [Letter to Jaejoong from Jaejoong]

to jaejoong from jaejoong
To Jaejoongie…

Hi Jaejoong ah~ I find it really funny.. to write a letter to myself like this..
It’s embarrassing..^^
At first I thought.. “Let’s write it with a light heart..”
But the moment I wrote “Hi”, it made me look back at many memories of the past and the present image of mine.. First.. if you ask me, “How are you now??” my answer is..
“I’m very happy.” I think I will answer like that.

Looking at “me” who was born as “Kim Jaejoong” with countless memories and who is breathing for now, I feel a great happiness, not as celebrity Kim Jaejoong who is receiving so much love but just as human being Kim Jaejoong.
Uhm… Breathing to live day by day, that feeling itself brings me happiness. That’s my “life”.
From countless mistakes and faults which were repeated over and over so far
From all the good and bad things that you have experienced so far
Ruminate on it and backtrack, step by step live a happier life..
Whatever it was, instead of ‘live in the past’ that you want to erase, live in the present which will become the foundation of a tough but happier life in the future..

I like this “me” of present, who said this cheesy ment ^^ Even though it will be quite funny when I re-read it in the future..
Though you’re “Kim Jaejoong” of the future!! The life that you’re living in.. I hope that you enjoy a meaningful life which will become a great foundation that could deck your future self out.
It’s OK to fail or succeed. Don’t get frustrated and don’t be arrogant. If I will be smiling before using all the breaths that I’m inhaling right now, at that time, let’s die arrogantly^^ Because we live a successful life!!


Source: The JYJ Magazine
Picture: 4u_JYJ
Translation: Hannah @ PrinceJJ

Shared by: PrinceJJ

[TWITTER] 130723 Jaejoong Twitter Update 2

* bbopbbo means kiss in Korean

[TRANS] Dear rain, please don’t pour down any more~

(t/n: He said “biya(bi=rain)”, calling rain like a friend…how cute!)
Credit: @bornfreeonkiss
Translated by Min @ PrinceJJ + @jaetaku
Shared by PrinceJJ
[INFO] Jaejoong indossa un Rolex Chrome Heart (prezzo originale GBP 10,290.45 (circa 12,000 euro) 
[INFO] Jaejoong wears a Rolex Chrome Heart Watch (Original Price: GBP 10,290.45)
Credit: ilovekimjaejoong
Shared by: Tv5xq Forever ~aktf~ FB

INFO] The red skull that kissed by Jaejoong is about 189,000 YEN / 1,884 USD / Rp 19 juta [cr.123613 + ichiko96]

[INFO] KARE Design - Money Box Skull Crystal £79.95 (by Lookkaew_SK) link

Credit: ilovekimjaejoong
Shared by: Tv5xq Forever ~aktf~ FB

Credit: @kissBwong via ilovekimjaejoong tumblr
Shared by PrinceJJ

[PICS] 130724 SBS Pop Asia Facebook Update – JYJ at their studio

 photo 01-60.jpg
 photo 02-55.jpg
 photo 03-52.jpg
 photo 04-44.jpg
 photo 05-40.jpg
Source: SBS Pop Asia Facebook
Shared by: PrinceJJ


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