Twitter: Jaejoong and his accessories, About Kusama Yayoi, [OTHER TWITTER] 130511 @pryme79 Twitter Update and JJ's sister twitter update

 Transcript + Translation: 
Too Cool..ㅜ
Credit: HC

[TWITTER] 130511 Kim Jaejoong's Twitter Update about Yayoi Kusama

[TRANS] @shinkipeia
Kusama Yayoi-nim is really a genius..¤¡

More about Kusama Yayoi:

[OTHER TWITTER] 130511 @pryme79 Twitter Update

keep carm saturday night with @bornfreeonekiss & guess who ?!?!?! commmmmON fresh prince !!! run RUN
@9090TheAiiRzYJ Jaejoong playing piano and on the wall behind him. It is a large size frame that his former DP!!! (°^∀^°)

[OTHER TWITTER] 130511 JJ's sister twitter update

@SeraLoveYunJae: [Trans]
JJs sister: Today was really happy~~^^ Thank you Joongie~~ Because of you i was able to see it well. Thank you~~ (Cr :

[PIC] 130511 New Tony Moly autographed JYJ postcards 

[PIC] 130511 New Tony Moly 
cre @raphaela.
share by : JYJ3
source: FB


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