
Showing posts from May, 2013

Twitter: Jaejoong and his accessories, About Kusama Yayoi, [OTHER TWITTER] 130511 @pryme79 Twitter Update and JJ's sister twitter update

  Transcript + Translation:  너무멋지다..ㅜ Too Cool..ㅜ Credit:  HC [TWITTER] 130511 Kim Jaejoong's Twitter Update about Yayoi Kusama [TRANS] @shinkipeia Kusama Yayoi-nim is really a genius..¤¡ More about Kusama Yayoi: [OTHER TWITTER] 130511 @pryme79 Twitter Update @prhyme79  keep carm saturday night with @bornfreeonekiss & guess who ?!?!?! commmmmON fresh prince !!! run RUN @9090TheAiiRzYJ Jaejoong playing piano and on the wall behind him. It is a large size frame that his former DP!!! (°^∀^°) [OTHER TWITTER] 130511 JJ's sister twitter update @SeraLoveYunJae: [Trans] JJs sister: Today was really happy~~^^ Thank you Joongie~~ Because of you i was able to see it well. Thank you~~ (Cr : 楠楠思密达 哟 ) [PIC] 130511 New Tony Moly autographed JYJ postcards  [PIC] 130511 New Tony Moly  cre @raphaela. share by : JYJ3 _proJJ_ source: FB

[TWITTERS UPDATE]Jae's Parents 50th Anniversary, 130503: Kim Jaejoong is a manjjijnam* 'prettier than a woman , ′The Jackal is Coming′ Ranks No. 2 in Audience Satisfaction in Japan, [PIC] 130508 Jaejoong and Moldir Korea featured in TheBeetleMap Magazine (May 2013 Issue)

[Jaejoong's nuna]@Shie486: 오늘...드디어.쭝이의..첫키스를목격했습니다. 이건~~뭔밍??드뎌~~너의둘의사랑이이루어진고야? ?? 쭝이넘~~조아한다~~ 이젠두리화해한고야?? trans : Today…finally. I witnessed Jjoongie’s..first kiss . What is~~this?? Finally~~ the love you both have is fulfilled??? Jjoongie likes it~~ so much~~ Are you two going to make up now?? Trans by jyj3 *missjj89 Jae's Parents 50th Anniversary~ “@Shie486 엄마~아빠추카드려요~~^^ 두분..너무이쁘고~|멋찌십니다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ  trans: Mom~dad, congratulations~~^^ these two.. so pretty~| and charming hehehehehe Trans by jyj3 *missjj89 @Shie486 엄마,아빠~~결혼50주년추카드려요<~~ 바뿌고..아픈관계상못온언니들이잇찌만~~ 그래도최선을다해~갤러리역활하고왓어요~^^ 엄마아빠사랑하고요~늘행복하새요~~건강하시고요~~ ^^쪽쪽쪽쪽~~ Trans : Mom, Dad~~ Happy 50th wedding anniversary<~~ Although some of unnies were busy and sick and couldn’t come~~ But we still did our best~ went to the gallery to take part~^^ Love you, mom and dad~ Please always be happy~~ and healthy~~^^ muah muah muah muah~~ Aigoo jj so funny, Trans by jyj3 *missjj89 “@Shie486 쉬는시간중~~%^^ 우리집은각자노네~가아니고~~ 쭝이가현아한테계속뽀뽀해달라면서......

Let's Vote Jaejoong as Best Main Vocalist 2013, Jaejoong and others Twitter Updates [Phryme, Jang Geum Suk, Jo Yongwan] and Premiere of Jaejoong’s “Code Name: Jackal” Movie in Japan

credit to the right owner, source ;KJJ tumblr Come on guys, keep Vote Jaejoong for Best Main Vocalist 2013 It will be closed at 31 May 2013....We still got chance for 29 days left...fighting! You can vote 19times a day he is down to #2nd... from #1st  5 days ago, so let's make JJ in #1st again!   he is #4th now he is #5th now Fighting! and thanks a lot! 130505 CEO of Sergio Bossi Korea tweeted  about his rendezvous with Jaejoong  Twitter: Jaejoong and Jo Yongwan Transcript + Translation:  @Sergio_Jo: 오늘 jyj 김 재중 님 미팅중 외국에 있는 아들 딸 이 팬이라 싸인을 해줬다~~ 기분 좋은 미팅 이었다~~^* After meeting jyj Kim Jaejoong today and telling him my son and daughter are fans who are currently studying in foreign countries, he signed for them~~ It was a nice meeting~~^* +  @Sergio_Jo: 멎진 jyj 김 재중 님 첫 만남에서 좋은 와인 선물 ^^* 너무 감사해요 오늘...