Jaejoong's Motherly Instinct to His Nieces, Jackal is Coming, His Sister and Yihan Twitters

[TWITTER] 120831 Jaejoong Twitter Update

[TRANS] night night (=sleep well) our baby^^

Credit: @mjjeje | Translated by @126×204 | Shared by PrinceJJ

[OTHER TWITTER] 120831 Jaejoong’s Sister Tweets a Picture of Sleeping Uncle JJ

[TRANS] Uncle~~ I have waken up~~ How long will you sleep? Please play with me
Source: mk_taiji
Translated by: Hannah @ PrinceJJ

JYJ’s Jae Joong adores his nephew: “Please grow up to be like me”

A picture of JYJ’s Jae Joong with his nephew is making everyone smile.
On August 30, Jae Joong uploaded a picture of himself with his nephew on his Twitter account with the comment, “My adorable nephew. Stay cute.”
In the picture, Jae Joong is kissing a baby on the cheek. The baby with cute chubby cheeks is also looking at Jae Joong with lovely eyes as if he is looking at his father.
People responded: “Grow up to be like your uncle.” “Are his uncles JYJ?” “Is the baby a girl or a boy?” “He’s so cute. No wonder why Jae Joong adores his nephew.”

note; actually the baby is Jjoongie's niece and fans mistaken it  as a nephew.

[OTHERS TWITTER] 120830 Suk Jin and Su Young Tweet Pictures of Jaejoong with His Nieces

[TRANS] Uncle, please play with me (Hyun-ah) too. I (Hyun-ah) like uncle too..
+ Pics posted by Su Young
+ Yoosun’s Display Picture (Jaejoong’s 5th sister)
Credit:@kkjj4 @shie486 @hajjang11 | Translated by @126×204 | Shared by PrinceJJ
[TRANS] Jaejoong’s signature for WorldclassJJ
[TRANS] Thank you for having waited (for me) all this time~ (I) will soon be able to go (there)~!!
Could this mean that JJ will be able to return to Japan soon to perform or promote? Let’s hope so!
Source: WorldclassJJ
Trans by: Starfield @ PrinceJJ

[TWITTER] 120831 Jaejoong Twitter Update

[TRANS] Musical Goong at Gotanda U-Port Hall from 1st to 7th Sept! Please give your love and support~^^ Sungmo* yah hwaiting
(T/N: It’s Sungmo of SuperNova)
[TRANS] Our pretty niece~ Grow up beautifully ~ ^^

Source: @mjjeje
Translated by: Hannah @ PrinceJJ

[SCANS] 120831 "Jackal is Coming" 

Featured in Movie 
Week Magazine

A brief explanation of Kim Jaejoong(as Choi Hyeon)’s character in the movie Jackal Is Coming:

“The role of Choi Hyeon he took on is that of a perfectionist idol star but in reality it is ‘Heo-Dang’ an interesting twist which adds zest to the movie. It’s the point of the movie that how Kim Jaejoong and Song Jihyo were able to manage the scenes like a ping pong game as they trade their lines wittily.”

*Heo-Dang means a person who is not serious, clumsy and immature.
Source: jaef126
Translated by: @126×204
Shared by: JYJ3
[INFO] ‘Code Name: Jackal’ summary as per Korean Film Council
KOFIC (Korean Film Council) released the following information about ‘Code Name: Jackal’:
Genre: comedy
Country: South Korea
Expected release date: November 2012
Current status: post-production
Filming duration: May 15th to August 6th, 2012
Summary: An episode in which the police were mobilized because a crazy female killer has kidnapped a popular singer and attempts to kill him in the most unthinkable ways.
Korean to Japanese trans by: @tiamo_hy
Japanese to English trans by: Starfield @ PrinceJJ

[TWITTER] 120901 Jaejoong and Yihan tweet to each other

Yihan: ppyong!!!
Jaejoong: ppyong
Yihan: ppyong ppyong
Note: “ppyong” is a cute sound that they used to say good-bye. 
Source: @mjjeje + @YiHan_Jin
Shared by: PrinceJJ

120819 JYJ 닌텐도. JJ

Credit: LeiaVendetta ; Nii 


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