[PIC] Jaejoong Update 120524 fanmeet in Taiwan







[NEWS] 120523 Jaejoong’s visit to Taiwan for fan meet paralyzes the airport

On May 23rd, JYJ‘s Jaejoong visited Taiwan for his ‘2012 KIM JAE JOONG FAN MEETING IN TAIPEI‘ event in promotion for his drama, ‘Protect the Boss‘.
From the moment of his arrival, Jaejoong was greeted by the deafening cheers of 600 fans that had gathered at the airport. An official of the airport revealed, “It was supposed to be a brief visit just for his fan meeting so we didn’t think so many people would show up at the airport.” Local newspapers reported that his arrival had actually paralyzed the airport.
Event sponsors revealed, “‘Protect the Boss’ has recently successfully concluded its run in Taiwan, but the passion for the drama still runs high, as there have been discussions for reruns in the future. We released 2,500 seats for the fan meet, and all of them were sold out within seconds of going on sale, with the actual server crashing in the mean time. We’re all surprised with Jaejoong’s popularity.”
Jaejoong kicked off his fan meet with live performances of his ‘Protect the Boss’ OST before moving on to playing games with his fans, revealing what he keeps in his personal bag, and a final performance of “No Gain“, a self-composition included in fellow member Junsu‘s solo album.
Jaejoong stated, “It’s been a year since I last visited Taiwan last year for our world tour. I missed you all. Thank you for the unchanging support. I hope that my fans had as much fun during these two hours as I had. I hope to see you again soon.”
Source + Photos: Star N News via NaverCredits: Allkpop

120523 Jaejoong at Incheon Airport heading to Taiwan

[NEWS] 120523 Kim JaeJoong Arrives in Taiwan, Showing His Fair Complexion. 400 Fans Welcomes Him at the Airport

Editor Note: He does have a milky skin! I have a crush on him as I see him at the airport!
Kim JaeJoong, lead singer of South Korean group ‘JYJ’ arrives in Taiwan! He is now filming <Dr. Jin> with Song Seung Hun and Lee Bum Soo. In spite of his busy filming schedules, he still specifically spares some time to hold a fan meeting in Taiwan. The airport is cramped with 400 passionate fans. Kim Jaejoong showers them with his smiles.
Pic 1 Line: Kim JaeJoong comes to Taiwan by himself. He wears casual outfits but still looks handsome.
Although May 23rd is a weekday, there are still more than 400 fans awaiting at the airport for Kim JaeJoong. He is the first K-pop star whose fans flood the newly refurbished Terminal 1 of the Taoyuan International Airport.
Pic 2 Line: Kim JaeJoong arriving in Taiwan, the newly refurbished Arrival Lobby in Taoyuan Airport cramped with fans.
As the weather is fair in Taiwan, Kim JaeJoong Taiwan with casual outfits. His star charisma and his fair complexion cannot be disguised by simple black T-shirt with sunglasses. Although last night, Kim JaeJoong said in Twitter how tired he was due to filming, he seems to be in a good mood as he arrives. He smiles all the way and increases fans’ anticipation of the FM tonight.
Source: Ettoday (Taiwanese News)
Translated by: Mandragore of JYJ3

[TWITTER] 120523 Jaejoong Twitter Update

[TRANS] Jaejoong: Taiwan, it’s been a long time~~ pic.twitter.com/qzinfPF3


Credits: As tagged + Tumblr + jaejoongfanboy + jjokkeuman

[FANCAMS] 120523 Kim Jaejoong Fanmeeting in Taiwan (Updated!)

Jaejoong singing No Gain

120523 Jaejoong fanmenting in Taipei-NO GAIN

JaeJoong Fanmeeting in Taipei 20120523 No Gain

120523 Kim Jaejoong Taiwan Fanmeeting - No Gain

Jaejoong’s smile ^^


Jaejoong singing `For You´

120523 金在中(Kim Jaejoong) - 為了你(너를위해) in TAIPEI Fanmeeting

120523 Jaejoong fanmenting in Taipei-For You(short)

JaeJoong Fanmeeting in Taipei 20120523 For You

Jaejoong singing `I’ll Protect You´

120523 JaeJoong Taiwan FM - 借看包包裡的東


Credits:  kenix52jj + ayajae11 + songalsongal1 + sinolovejyj + kamoQ623 + leanneyu + vicky681009

[SCANS] 120524 Taiwanese media report about Kim Jaejoong’s Fanmeet

Taiwanese Newspapers



Jaejoong in Taiwan only 24 hours and 2 songs featured on taiwanese tv news


Credit: As tagged + starxjy + starsInLoveJYJ + faithboy24

120524 Kim Jaejoong at Taiwan Taoyuan Airport heading to Korea








source from fb n JYJ3.net

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