Lovin' My Legwarmers

Remember a month or so ago, when I was dreaming about legwarmers? Well, I actually made some.

I'm really pleased with how they turned out. They are thick and oh-so-warm. And they're perfect to wear with my fave winter boots.

I used the Anushka Tay's Tree Tunk Legwarmers pattern on Ravelry, with Patons Shetland Chunky Tweeds yarn, in the "Charcoal Tweeds" colourway, on 6mm double-pointed needles. The cable was really quick and easy to knit. This was actually only my second time knitting in the round on double-pointed needles, and I've got to say it was not so bad. I'm inspired to knit more! Maybe even socks...?! But first, my next knitting project will be another pair of legwarmers -- this time, fun ones to wear at the climbing gym!

I also wanted to share with you a little gift I sewed up for my friends in Montreal (don't worry, they've already opened the prezzie, so I'm not spoiling the surprise!). They have the cutest puppy, Teddy, so I wanted to make a fuzzy felt version of Teddy to put on the tree.

Here's Teddy and his felty counterpart... not quite as cute, but come on, I can't really compete with a real live puppy.


I hope you all have warm, wooly and wonderful holidays!


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