Dust off your lapels...

A reminder that the Vancouver edition of the Hot One Inch Action button show is tomorrow night!

Did I tell you that the button design I submitted is going to be in the show? Well, it is! Pretty cool. Mine is the one with the slice of pie, called "I Heart Pie." I originally designed it as a part of the button collection for guests at my wedding this summer. Lotsa pie, losta love.

You can already see a gallery of the buttons from Seattle's H1"A show in November, but you'll have to go to the show tomorrow night to see -- and trade! -- the Vancouver buttons in person.

Hot One Inch Action - Vancouver 2011Saturday November 26, 2011 from 8-11pm
Gallery Gachet, 88 East Cordova St, Vancouver, BC
with DJ Darwin Meyers
Invite your friends on Facebook
The Vancouver show features button art by: Ada Fu, Adelle Bueno, Amanda McCuaig, Andrea Hooge, Anne Emberline, Becky McEachern, Ben Worth, Brian Bredonia, Carelle B. Dunn, Carita Ho, Charles Ferguson, Colin Moore, Dacosta!, David Camisa, Dusan Postolovic, Eileen Soo, Eleanor Rosenberg, Ensoe, Erica Lapadat-Janzen, Evin Gibson, Far Sebastian, Gayle Koyanagi, Jacqueline Klobucar, Janette Ussher, Jen Sheppard, Jenn Brisson, Joshua Johnson, Kalynn Kallweit, Kathryn Mussallem, kdot, Kel/Kel, Kris G. Brownlee (k.g.b.), Laura Eveleigh, M.el. Jensen, Maisie Lam, Matt Bowen, Mauve Pagé, Meagan Mah, Megan Majewski, Mélanie Kimmett, Monika Koch, Nicole Pinkerton, Rhys Edwards, Robin Konstabaris, Robin Thompson, Russell Alton, Shauna Eve, Siobhan Rich, Skyler Luke Punnett, and Skytox.


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