Happy Pancake Tuesday!

Happy Pancake Tuesday! A fabulous day for flat foods all over the world.

Read up on your Pancake Tuesday facts and trivia over at The Guardian, and also pick up a few recipes. The sweet potato pancakes sound lovely.
The pancake is prehistoric. Grinding boring but nutritious grains into flour, blending them with protein-rich liquids such as milk or eggs and cooking the mixture made for an extremely palatable food, and it seems likely that pancakes were among the first things humans learned to cook. Once you've got fire in your caveman arsenal it's easy to heat a piece of flint or slate to make a basic griddle. The Roman food writer Apicius describes a batter of eggs, milk, water and flour which was fried and served with honey and pepper. It sounds rather good. --The Guardian
Though this is likely to change on a daily basis (and is closely linked to what pancakes are within my range of smell..) my top three forms of pancakes right now would probably be:
  • Dosas (If you're in Vancouver, go to the amazing House of Dosas)
  • Dutch Pannekoek (I recently went to The Dutch Wooden Shoe Cafe in Vancouver and loved it.)
  • Puffy Oven Pancakes (like in this recipe; our version is pictured below... yum!)


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