Call for Submissions: Knitting Baby Hats in British Columbia

The Period of Purple Crying is inviting knitters to get knitting for a good cause!

The Period of Purple Crying is a program which educates parents and caregivers about normal infant crying and the dangers of shaking a child. Here's the info I received about the project and how you can get involved:

We invite you to join our mission: make a PURPLE newborn baby cap so we can give select babies born in British Columbia the week of November 15th a gift to coincide with Canada’s National Child Day. Please share your knitting or crocheting skills to help Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome BC.

Unite and lend your hands now to knit or crochet PURPLE newborn baby caps for this great cause.
Create as many as you like - from five to 50, or a...ny number in between, using any newborn baby cap pattern, and any colour of soft baby-friendly PURPLE yarn.

PURPLE caps must be received no later than by November 5, 2010.

If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Pelto: or call 778.786.1495

Please knit and mail your PURPLE caps to
BC Children’s Hospital:
c/o Claire Yambao
Provincial Program Coordinator, Prevent SBS BC
BC Children's Hospital
4480 Oak Street, K1-209
Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4

By knitting and sending PURPLE newborn baby caps to be given to babies across the province, you will make a difference by:
  • Raising awareness for this life-saving project - Period of PURPLE Crying - Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome BC - that promotes crucial parenting skills, infant/parent bonding, and understanding of a typical early infancy stage that every baby goes through which is frequently misunderstood.
  • Participating in a growing, province-wide grassroots effort to educate new parents about the normalcy of early infant crying and how to cope with the frustration that can accompany it.

Assist in promoting the Period of PURPLE Crying - Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome BC so that parents (and all others) learn to understand normal increased early infant crying and that crying is a key trigger to shaking.

The Period of PURPLE Crying - Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome BC is a part of the most comprehensive shaken baby syndrome prevention initiative in North America. To learn more, visit and follow us on Twitter @PurpleCrying

More details are available on the Facebook group page.


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