All Fired Up

I finally got around to taking some more photos of my pottery from my first course. I took a ten-week class at my local community centre, and totally loved every minute of it.

(It was the first time I'd done pottery since grade 8, when I made a, um, bowl? pot? pencil holder? Heh.)

Every Wednesday night I'd some home exclaiming things like "Tonight I made a bowl! a BOWL! Eee!" and "I learned how to make a HANDLE!" And when I actually got to bring my first piece home... ahh! Amazing.

It's infinitely satisfying to eat and drink out of dishes that I made myself. I'm used to working with fabric or paper... having made something so, for lack of a better word, solid is a whole new feeling for me.

This lil' guy is the smallest piece I made - just from a tiny bit of clay left over from something else that fell over on the wheel! - but he's one of my faves.

This one was fun to make: a planter pot. You can't see it in this photo, but it has a drain hole in it. Now I just need a cute little succulent to plant in it.

I was super excited to make a teapot! I didn't get a chance to glaze it before the course ended, so it's only been bisque fired so far. Hopefully it's not too spilly when it pours!

I can't wait to take another class in the Fall and get back to the wheel.


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