Got Craft and Get Lucky

It's Springtime in Vancouver... the cherry blossoms are blooming and craft is in the air!

The Spring edition of Got Craft? is coming up on Sunday, May 2nd, and I bet it's gonna be good.

Got Craft?
Sunday, May 2nd, 2010
10am to 5pm
Royal Canadian Legion – 2205 Commercial Drive (at E. 6th Ave)
Admission $2.00 (kids 10 and under are free)

The fine folks at Got Craft? are so by swept up in Spring fever, they aren't just offering up a great craft fair - they're also giving away a ton of stuff: if you're among the first 30 to get into the show, you'll be lucky enough to grab a swag bag.

You can also enter to win a YUDU screen printer, worth over $300. just take a photo of a Got Craft? poster that you spy around town, and submit it to their flickr pool. The more you upload, the more chances you have to win!

Read the full contest details on the Got Craft? blog.

For more information about Got Craft and for a full vendor list, check out


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