Craft Rock Friday with Wendy McNeill

Today's Craft Rock Friday discovery came about in an interesting kind of way, nicely inter-connecting many crafty things: a craft fair, puppets, dioramas, and a mixed tape. Let me explain...

1. The Craft Fair
One day last week, one of my co-workers stopped me in the hallway and asked to see the shirt I was wearing. It was an awesome shirt I'd picked up Portobello West with a silkscreened image of a fox chasing a bunny amidst a flurry of cute polka dots. (Like I said, awesome.)

2. The Puppets
My co-worker said that my shirt made him think of this musician he liked, Wendy McNeill. He sent me a link to the video for her song, "Ask Me No Questions" - which includes many wonderful things, like playing the accordian, fuzzy crow puppets, and dancing on the beach and a giant fox! Fabulous!

3. The Dioramas
Her newest album, A Dreamer's Guide to Hardcore Living, also features some lovely collage/diorama-riffic artwork, as does her website.

4. The Mixed Tape
And finally, the last connection came about when I was happily listening to Wendy McNeill's songs on her MySpace. My ears perked up when I heard the song, "Such a Common Bird". I know - and love - this song, performed with the lovely Ane Brun, as my partner had included on the first mixed tape he made for me.

So, many lovely connections this week. Happy Craft Rock Friday!


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