The glam/unglam bitches

The ridiculously expensive lappy
that babe bot.
This is then the REddot Design Award
Best of the best. =)

So me and my bitches caught up
and have a good time.
A good time till we forgot to take
the pictures.
I love y'all!

And again.. kua kua kua.
And then I decided to go home, take a nice bath,
pretty-up jasmine green tea and pick up the rest
of the bitches and my babe
to the beach for some nice chicken wings and fries.
Yup.. at 2 plus in the morning..

And so the princess drives out the monster.

There's something with my mouth I guess.
and have a good time.
A good time till we forgot to take
the pictures.
I love y'all!

Moi favorite baby milo and jedi, the knight.

I make them look nice.

And being the nice girlfriend of theirs.
I did it again.
I did it again.

And again.. kua kua kua.
And then I decided to go home, take a nice bath,
pretty-up jasmine green tea and pick up the rest
of the bitches and my babe
to the beach for some nice chicken wings and fries.
Yup.. at 2 plus in the morning..

And so the princess drives out the monster.

The unglam ones.
Loreal blusher made my cheeks look ultra shiny.
Thanks to the make-up guru which is me and
the pretty brown eye girl,
jasmine green tea looks so radiant.. kua kua!
Alright.. peek a boo just that bit..
Loreal blusher made my cheeks look ultra shiny.

the pretty brown eye girl,
jasmine green tea looks so radiant.. kua kua!

There's something with my mouth I guess.

"Salah" decided to get cute.
As for the rest of the nite, we were
too into our fries, or rather just them only,
and I was at a mad war with babe,
so no pictures were taken.
Except for the 1st few minutes when the chicken wings
were served.
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