the emotional me

The Present

I'm such a bitch sometimes.

I duno what the fuck I was thinking.

The wanna-have-some-fun got the best of me.

I just so totally lose control of myself
and I duno if I have hurt him in any way.



Am such a fucking sluty bitch, gawd damn it.

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The Past

I just can't let go of the past even if
the other one has totally buried the whole thing.

Whenever i see you, I'll think of those time.

Those time where I leaded you to somewhere
and drown you in those bad thots of mine
and got you misleaded.

I have not forgiven myself yet.

All I'm askin' now is to be best of friends
with you.

But i guess its difficult.

Platonic rltnships never exist.

But whatever, I hope I shall catch up with you soon.

Real soon.

I miss you ya.


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