My mistress is coming

I'm still feeling grey coz its still
a working day.

But never mind..

My beloved mistress sat is coming in soon.

And I shall embrace her with open arms and ice-cream.. =)

Tml will be sunshine day bcoz I won't be going to the damn
dead office.

Instead, I will be paying my school
a visit or rather I'll be meetin Prof Wada from Jpn.

Can't wait. Its been so long since I last saw him..

Hopefully there will be kawaii japanese girls following him
den I can keep myself entertain just by watching
the kawaii girls.


So I guess.. its time for a hair cut. Head is getting
so shapeless and ugly.

And thanks to Poh Ling from Toni&Guys, I will
be getting either a highlight or perm
for free..

I think.. hmm....

But gotta wait till june la.. aargh. My hair, my hair.

I don't wanna be lookin like an old fag..

Talk about fag.

I need a smoke break now.

Just right about now..


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