Fuck the office com!

I wonder who in the world will religiously
read my blog every single motherfucking day.
I mean I do.
The first thing I do when I reach office is
check my mail then read pinkisthenewblog
den follow by tens of gossip webby and
then a few blogs that I like to read everyday.
The pictures they post everytime in their blog
keeps my going back.
Its so fun to see people having so much fun
in their life.
Just like missy poo and her frds
did this photoshoot of them putting their hands in their pants
and used the index finger and put thru their pants zip
and made it looks like a teeny weeny penis.
Who in the hell will think of that?!!

Its like so fun doing that kind of photoshoot..
I think I wanna try it...
Heh.. whatever on the originality..
Anyhow, screw my office computer today.
Mozilla just totally cant open at all
and I'm using my collegue's com to do tis entry.
Meanwhile, I'm still doin a collage of babe's bday party.
Can't wait to post it up. =)


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