Jaejoong's is Selected as The Most Handsome Idol , Jaejoong Twitter Kimbab Amazing Artwork

pic's not mine credit as tagged [TWITTER] 120902 Jaejoong Twitter Update [TRANS] This is Munch’s ‘Screaming kimpab’ made by hyung (t/n: Jeje misspelled Munch – Edvard Munch is the artist that painted “ Scream “) [TRANS] this, Kimbab Curly Ajummunie that I made. (T/N: Ajummunie = Ajumma) [TRANS] Yihan to Jaejoong: Oh my~ Why did you omit “please love Jin Yihan a lot” ?! [TRANS] Jaejoong to Yihan: Please love Jin Yihan a lot LOL [TRANS] Yihan to Jaejoong: Ack ROFL What is this? So funny LOL [TRANS] Jaejoong to Yihan: Please love Kim Jaejoong a lot too [TRANS] Please cherish and love Jjoong-ie more more more! Source: @mjjeje ; @YiHan_Jin Translated by: Hannah @ PrinceJJ; 126X204 source ; Prince JJ JYJ’s Jae Joong is selected as the most handsome idol singer JYJ’s Jae Joong was recently selected as the most handsome idol singer. Lamar Cosmetic Surgery surveyed 634 customers abou...