
Showing posts from February, 2011

Craft Rock Friday with Winter Gloves

Today it's a lovely Spring-like day in Vancouver. We even sat out on the patio for lunch. So it's somewhat out of place that today's Craft Rock Friday video is from a band called Winter Gloves . It'd be tough to flip through a flipbook with your mitts on though.... WINTER GLOVES 'Let Me Drive' from the album 'about a girl' Winter Gloves | Myspace Music Videos

Fabric Decals and All-Round Awesomeness

How cool is this kids room ? I love those fabric cloud decals - based on a tutorial from How About Orange . You can see more pics and read more about the project on Ohdeedoh .

Marimekko + Converse = Double Love

A great pairing in my opinion! Converse is teaming up with Marimekko to produce a line of shoes with designs from the Finnish fabric superstars. The Marimekko patterns featured in the sneakers include Tarha from 1963 and Pikkusuomu from 1965 by Annika Rimala and Kirppu from 1980 by Maija and Kristina Isola. Annika Rimala’s modern and original Marimekko designs adorned the covers of international fashion magazines as early as in the 1960’s. In 1967, she was chosen as one of the most influential fashion designers in the world. Maija Isola, important reformer and forerunner in the design of printed fabrics, designed over 500 fascinating fabric prints for Marimekko through her career – one of them being Kirppu, co-designed with her daughter Kristina Isola. ~ I only wish they included the iconic red floral fabric in the line... Check out for more fabric fun (and cute dresses !) Plus, you just gotta love a website that lets you search by colour. (Serio...

Tape of Love

I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's day! I was just reminded of the 'tape of love' and had to post... :)

Finders Keepers

I just read over on Poppytalk about a great project happening on Granville Island, here in Vancouver, so wanted to spread the word. Keep an eye out on the island starting February 11th for a few scattered hearts, as artist Jasna Sokolovic will be playing cupid... Up to 200 ceramic hearts will be dispersed across Granville Island, on the upcoming weekend and will be waiting for you to pick one up. If you find it, take it, keep it for yourself or give it to someone who will cherish the love. Each heart has my the artist's website on it, so you can send an email, comment or a photo. Read more about this project and see more of Jasna's work on her website .

Arranging Your World by Colour

I am a big fan of organizing your bookshelf by colour ... but I hadn't thought of using that system in other rooms of the house.... This photo was posted on the tumblr blog, Things Organized Neatly , which is eye candy for collectors and designers, as well as hyper-organized types.