
Showing posts from April, 2006

my a quarter of quarter-life crisis

ok.. and so i've only gotten thru a quarter of my quarter-life crisis.. Damn.. but i'm living good now.. I just wanna party more now.. I'm tired from all these typing thou its fun sometimes. Just sometimes..

Fuck things up

Do you understand the stress and pain that I'm gg thru now? I know you are trying your best to open my heart out to you. But I can't babe. I am down. Emotionally. Mentally. Physically. I gotta learn to walk on my own. Without you there. And I will look back at you with that souless eyes and say I did it. On my own.

Fucking hot stuff

Yea.. Presenting two of the hottest chicks around. Pete Burns and MJ In Paris Hilton's words.. That's hot.

Fucked up eyeball

This is the duno-how-many-times my eyeball swells. Fuck it balls.. The swollen one The good one.

random posting

Me giving presentation to the audience. Total crap. The boys Ma lil' cutesy one with ma Melissa bag

The ying & yang of moi life

The papa and the mama.. The sister : the brother-in-law : the nephew The brother : The sister-in-law : The niece Natasha and Cyrus The babe I heart Up the sky

Will he do it again?

He lied to me. For the 1st time. Will there be a second time? Or am I being paranoid? I guess its all that fucking lack of self-something that's kicking in. Fuck that. I don't want it to happen again. Baby, you hear me?